2008年5月11日 星期日


相關字詞:風險容忍度;風險忍受度;风险容忍度;风险忍受度(risk tolerance)

  • Many risk experts clearly share our perspective. They contend that investors in every corner of the world, armed with the same information, will naturally make similar bets – causing the markets to follow a similar trajectory. This increases the risk that the markets will become unbalanced. They also point to the fact that two-thirds of the world’s total economic output springs from a small group of very large economies – China, India and the G7 (the US, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Canada). A major downturn in these key countries would therefore cause considerable problems everywhere else. (摘自11th Annual Global CEO Survey: PricewaterhouseCoopers
"再大的風險,都能夠變成未來利潤與報酬的最大資源,關鍵在於,要以不同的觀念來看待風險。災害風險、金融風險、與營運風險都不容忽視,但真正對企業最具殺傷力的,則是7個策略性風險。一旦對自己公司真實的風險概況與挑戰有所了解,就可以展開策略性的風險管理方案,將風險轉化為成長契機!"< 2008/02/28>
提到風險(risk)的相關新聞報導(News Reports):
