2009年1月29日 星期四

利差交易(carry trade)

This trade involves borrowing in countries with low interest rates, especially but not only Japan, and lending in places with high interest rates, like Brazil and Russia. It was a highly profitable trade as long as nothing went wrong; but eventually something did. 利差交易是指在低利率國家(特別是日本,但不只日本)把錢借進來,然後在巴西和俄羅斯等利率高的地方把錢借出去。只要不出錯,這是獲利高的交易;但最後還是會有事情出錯。(資料來源:面對失靈的年代:克魯曼談金融海嘯The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008))
