2009年1月22日 星期四

個人電腦(personal computer;PC)

  • 1980年代初個人電腦普遍使用。(資料來源:面對失靈的年代:克魯曼談金融海嘯(The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008))

  • 想像終有一天,電腦會小到和便宜到一般家庭可以買一台在家裡使用並不過分。但為什麼有人要那種電腦呢?六○年代末運算業的主流人士想了很久,只能 想到一個理由:整理食譜。世界上第一台個人電腦,漢威公司(Honeywell)1969年上市的時髦廚房家電,就是為了做這件事而賣的──它甚至和流理台空間整合在一起。(資料來源:Free: The Future of a Radical Price

  • Technology Review: An Operating System for the Cloud: "In the mid-1970s, when the news of the first inexpensive microprocessor-based computers reached Gates at Harvard, he instantly understood the implications. Until then, computers had been instruments of organizations and agents of bureaucratization. The PC brought about a revolution, offering the little guy a chance to harness computing power for his personal ends."
