2009年2月22日 星期日

baby boomer 嬰兒潮時代出生的人;嬰兒潮世代

嬰兒潮世代對年長一代的人造成的威脅,是前所未見的。唐‧泰普史考特(Don Tapscott)在他寫的Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World一書,有這樣的說明:
Baby boomers set a precedent of being a major generational threat to their elders. Previous generations didn’t have the luxury of a prolonged adolescence; after a brief childhood, kids went straight into the workforce. But baby boomers grew up in a time of relative prosperity and attended school for many more years than did their parents. They had time to develop their own youth culture. Rock ’n’ roll, long hair, protest movements, weird clothes, and new lifestyles made their parents uneasy. They also had a new medium through which to communicate their culture—television.

  • baby boom 嬰兒潮:泰普史考特說,嬰兒潮世代(boomer)可以稱為「冷戰世代」(Cold War Generation)、「成長經濟世代」(Growth Economy Genera-tion),或者把他們和他們那個時代連結起來的其他任何名稱。但泰普史考特認為,稱他們為「電視世代」(TV Generation)也許最恰當。
  • baby bust 嬰兒荒
  • baby boom echo 嬰兒潮回聲
