2009年9月13日 星期日



Technology Review: An Operating System for the Cloud: "In doing so, Microsoft and its cofounder, Bill Gates, seemed to be fulfilling the company's historical destiny. The operating system as a technological showpiece goes back to OS/360, a program designed by IBM that was immortalized in The Mythical Man-Month, a book by the engineer Frederick Brooks. The historian Thomas Haigh explains, 'That was a huge scaling up of ambition of what the OS was for.'" 作業系統展現技術雄風的歷史,可以上溯到IBM設計的OS/360。工程師佛烈德瑞克‧布魯克斯(Frederick Brooks)寫的《人月迷思》(The Mythical Man-Month)把OS/360寫成是不朽的程式。歷史學家湯瑪斯‧海格(Thomas Haigh)解釋說:「這是作業系統雄心壯志的大大提升。」
