2008年5月20日 星期二


入職之前 做足功課: "No matter how talented or experienced you may be, there is always a learning curve to overcome, says John LeBlanc, vice president of human resources and product management at Jefferson Wells International, a professional-services firm. 'Don't talk more than you listen,' he says. This can be tough if you were seen as an expert at your old firm. You don't want to seem like a know-it-all, he says." (WSJ.com , 2008/05/20)

入職之前 做足功課: "職業服務公司Jefferson Wells International的人力資源與產品管理副總裁約翰•勒布朗(John LeBlanc)告誡道﹐無論你是多麼才華橫溢或經驗豐富﹐別忘了萬事開頭難這句話。他的忠告是﹕多聽少說。他接著說﹐如果你在原來的公司被視為大拿﹐那 做到這點並不容易。但你不會想被大家看成“百事通”的。" (《華爾街日報》中文網絡版,2008/05/20)
