2008年5月20日 星期二


入職之前 做足功課: "Request feedback. In the first month, ask for your boss's opinion of how you're doing on a weekly basis, advises Mr. LeBlanc. Then scale back to once every two to three weeks. Find out what is expected of you in the weeks ahead, if it isn't clear. With some managers, 'you won't know unless you ask,' he says." (WSJ.com , 2008/05/20)

入職之前 做足功課: "要求反饋。勒布朗在這方面建議道﹐跳槽的第一個月﹐你可以每週向上司詢問對你表現的意見。隨後可以每兩到三週詢問一次。要瞭解老板對你未來幾週表現的期 望。他談到﹐對很多經理來說﹐你不問就不會得知他們的想法。" (《華爾街日報》中文網絡版,2008/05/20)
