2008年5月29日 星期四

volatility 波動性;價格波動率

  • ... (I)f you are a reader of the financial press or watch any of the television programs that feature professional investors, you may encounter many negative references to volatility in the markets. As you can see from our discussions, however, volatility is your best ally in the search for bargains to purchase. Think of it this way: Volatility presents opportunities. The greater the volatility, the greater the opportunities to locate a bargain. If you are a purchaser of bargain stocks, volatility is your friend; if you are a purchaser of popular story stocks, volatility is your enemy. (摘自Investing the Templeton Way: The Market-Beating Strategies of Value Investing's Legendary Bargain Hunter, by Lauren C. Templeton and Scott Phillips)
  • ... the majority of hedge funds are created to offer investors low volatility and returns that are not correlated to any specific market. 絕大多數的對沖基金創設的目的,是提供投資人低波動性和報酬率,不和任何特定的市場產生相關性。(摘自Mutual Funds: An Introduction To The Core Concepts, Mark Mobius, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd., 2007.〔博客來網路書店的中文介紹Amazon.com網路書店的英文介紹〕)
