2009年1月29日 星期四

Call for heads to roll 要求走馬換將;呼籲陣前換將;要求栽員;希望看到有人負起責任下台


* As Lafley recalled: “P&G business leaders (had) retreated to their bunkers. Leaders were lying low. Heads were down. . . . Business units around the world were blaming headquarters for their problems. Headquarters was blaming line business units. Employees were calling for heads to roll.” (摘自JudgmentJudgment


Intel (NSDQ:INTC) lowered its head count by some 2,000 employees in the third quarter and will lay off 2,000 more in Q4, the chip giant announced in its Q3 2007 earnings call Tuesday.(摘自2,000 More Heads to Roll at Intel in Q4

對照這則新聞的標題和內文,heads to roll的heads,指的顯然是員工的人頭,和上一句不同。
