他原本以為偷回分靈體之後自己會興高采烈,但結果卻完全不是這麼一回事。此時此刻,他坐在這裡凝望著黑夜,凝望著魔杖尖端透出的那一點兒幽光,他只是不斷擔憂未來會發生什麼事。他覺得他好像朝這一刻狂追猛衝了好幾週、好幾個月甚至好幾年,如今卻突然停住,一切都進了死胡同。怪不得有人表示,他們喜歡「過程」,討厭「結果」。男歡女愛經常被舉作這方面的例子。例如,有人說,結婚是愛情的墳墓。還有,人喜歡「作愛」的過程,討厭它的結果,所以有了保險套的發明。有句諺語說: 「勝利與否不重要,重在參與」(Not the quarry, but the chase, Not the trophy, but the race),真是英雄所見相同。
但是,「害怕」也可能驅使一個人邁向成功。Noel M. Tichy和Warren G. Bennis寫的《Judgment》(博客來網路書店的中文網頁介紹或Amazon.com的英文網頁介紹),提到英特爾公司(Intel)前董事長安迪‧葛洛夫(Andy Grove)的「勇氣來自害怕。如果他不挺身而出,掌好舵輪,大膽航向暴風雨,公司的未來不知將止於何處」。
$2.95 - Miami Herald - NewsBank - Apr 25, 2005
The Miami Heat's coach is a professional worrier. Fear and doubt are his fuel and, after all these years, maybe even his friends. His father was a coach. ...
Fear Factor: Success and Risk in Extreme Sports
Life Coaching: Fear not
The Miami Heat's coach is a professional worrier. Fear and doubt are his fuel and, after all these years, maybe even his friends. His father was a coach. ...
Fear Factor: Success and Risk in Extreme Sports
National Geographic - Jul 9, 2004
But if you think the risk of serious injury failed to keep hundreds more from running with the 1300-pound (600-kilogram) behemoths again today during the ...
But if you think the risk of serious injury failed to keep hundreds more from running with the 1300-pound (600-kilogram) behemoths again today during the ...
Life Coaching: Fear not
Jerusalem Post - Aug 31, 2006
"A person suffering from the fear of success is definitely scraping at the ... While I agree that it is rather bizarre to fear success, I have found this ...
Overcome that gnawing fear of success! Seize your share of the...
"A person suffering from the fear of success is definitely scraping at the ... While I agree that it is rather bizarre to fear success, I have found this ...
Overcome that gnawing fear of success! Seize your share of the...
San Francisco Chronicle - May 24, 2004
"For the first time in history," a crowd of 12000 learned the other day at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, "the little guy has the advantage." ...
Political Lives: Should Dean Fear His Early Success?
"For the first time in history," a crowd of 12000 learned the other day at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, "the little guy has the advantage." ...
Political Lives: Should Dean Fear His Early Success?
$2.95 - Newsweek - NewsBank - Jul 2, 2003
The son of a patrician Republicanhe comes from a long line of investment bankers. At Yalehe was deep into beernot politicsand later quit drinking altogether ...
Editorial&Opinion: There is no reason to fear the success of a...
The son of a patrician Republicanhe comes from a long line of investment bankers. At Yalehe was deep into beernot politicsand later quit drinking altogether ...
Editorial&Opinion: There is no reason to fear the success of a...
Subscription - The Independent - HighBeam Research - Apr 25, 2006
It is an astonishing story. A business that began life on an east London market stall in the chaotic aftermath of the First World War is expected to ...
It is an astonishing story. A business that began life on an east London market stall in the chaotic aftermath of the First World War is expected to ...