2008年2月21日 星期四

微軟公司(Microsoft Corp.)

Ahead for Yahoo and Microsoft: Clashing cultures - International Herald Tribune: "If Microsoft succeeds in its conquest of Yahoo, what then?

Microsoft faces the task of integrating the Silicon Valley company's culture into its own. Merging corporate cultures is generally a major problem in any acquisition and Microsoft-Yahoo would be no different. What would set this integration apart, though, is where the culture clash is likely to occur - in the two companies' basic philosophies of technology.

Although Yahoo is a generation younger than Microsoft, Yahoo is not the brash and free-wheeling start-up it was in its dot-com heyday. It still has rock concerts and Ultimate Frisbee tournaments on its campus in Sunnyvale, California, but the company, with almost 14,000 employees, has been run by a former movie studio chief for six years."<2008/02/18>

Gates on free tools, Yahoo, and more. In an Interview with News.com's Ina Fried, Microsoft's Chairman explains why Microsoft is giving away it's developer tools to students and a glimpse at ..

微軟提出以每股31美元價格收購雅虎 YHOO: "
微軟(Microsoft Corp.)向身處逆境的競爭對手雅虎公司(Yahoo! Inc.)提出了價值446億美元的收購建議﹐以期能聯手共同在網絡廣告業務領域與谷歌(Google Inc.)展開的競爭。


微軟首席執行長巴爾默(Steve Ballmer)表示﹐微軟十分尊重雅虎公司﹐兩家公司聯手不但能夠為消費者、出版商和廣告客戶提供更為滿意的一攬子解決方案﹐同時還能夠在網絡服務市場的競爭當中取得更佳的競爭地位。"<《華爾街日報》中文網絡版,2008/02/02>

BBC NEWS | Business | Microsoft wants to purchase Yahoo: "Microsoft has offered to buy the search engine company Yahoo for $44.6bn (£22.4bn) in cash and shares.

The offer, contained in a letter to Yahoo's board, is 62% above Yahoo's closing share price on Thursday.

Yahoo cut its revenue forecasts earlier this week and said it would have to spend an additional $300m this year trying to revive the company."<2008/02/01>

比爾‧蓋茲;比尔‧盖兹(Bill Gates)

