* general manager通常譯作「總經理」。managing director好像就比較麻煩。香港總商會(Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)在會員名單的中英對照表中,不少會員的英文職稱是Managing Director,中文的相對職稱是「董事總經理」。有時Managing Director就直接譯作「總經理」。簡體網站譯員工作園地(ProZ.com)有人提問,問到同樣的問題,會員clearwater回答如下:
managing director:一般有三層意思:1、總經理;2、總裁;3、常務董事(本blog補充:或「執行董事」),不過好象作為“常務董事”解釋的現象更普遍。他也蒐集了英文定義如下:
- Canada person in charge of company: somebody, usually the head of a board of directors, who has administrative control over a large company or other commercial organization
- director responsible for day-to-day operations: a member of a board of directors who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of a company
managing director原來,這個人就相當於執行長(chief executive officer)。n詞酷對managing director所作的解釋:
(abbreviation MD ) a director in overall charge of an organization and its day-to-day running, often carrying out the decisions of a board of directors. N Amer equivalent chief executive officer.
,shì gōng sī zuì zhòng yào de zhǔ guǎn,bìng qiě fù zé guǎn lǐ gōng sī de rén。cháng yòng suō xiě‘MD’。');">总经理,是公司最重要的主管,并且负责管理公司的人。常用缩写‘MD’。StarDict的解釋是:
【化】 常务理事;【经】 常务董事(理事), 董事长