2009年7月29日 星期三

雲端運算(Cloud computing)

克里斯.安德森(Chris Anderson)Free: The Future of a Radical Price一書稱頌Google的經營模式,並且談到雲端運算:

雲端在哪裡?唔,你可以到俄勒岡州達勒斯市(The Dalles)另一個(半祕密)的地址去找。那個地方,在哥倫比亞河旁邊,距波特蘭(Portland)八十哩,至少從外面,可以看到一點點。它是Google的資料中心──像工廠那樣龐大的建築。到了裡面,可移動的箱子裝滿數以萬計的電腦板和成排的硬碟。它們都用網路線連結在一起,最後連到厚厚一捆光纖纜線,把整棟建築連上網際網路。
  • 雲端運算──指透過網際網路交付程式和服務──正迅速改變我們使用電腦的方式。比方說,Gmail、Twitter和Facebook都是雲端應用。亞馬遜的EC2之類的網路式基礎設施服務──以及Rackspace等供應商提供的版本──已經吸引無數企業和機構顧客因為它們的效率和低成本聞風而來。亞馬遜雲端服務的客戶群現在包括《紐約時報》和輝瑞(Pfizer)。Google的瀏覽器和即將推出的作業系統(兩者都稱作Chrome),雲端應用的存取都很容易。(Cloud computing—programs and services delivered over the In-ternet—is rapidly changing the way we use computers (see Briefing, July/August 2009, and “Clouds, Ascending,” p. 41). Gmail, Twitter, and Facebook are all cloud applications, for ex-ample. Web-based infrastructure services like Amazon’s—as well as versions from vendors such as Rackspace—have attracted legions of corporate and institutional customers drawn by their efficiency and low cost. The clientele for Amazon’s cloud services now includes the New York Times and Pfizer. And Google’s browser and forthcoming operating system (both named Chrome) mean to provide easy access to cloud applica-tions.)(摘自Security in the Ether, David Talbot, Technology Review, January/February 2010
