2010年2月10日 星期三

李約瑟(Joseph Needham)

1942年到1946年,皇家學會會員李約瑟(Joseph Needham)獲任命為英國駐華科學使節團團長,並且開始撰寫《中國之科學與文明》(Science and Civilisation in China)巨著,占去他餘生的四十年寫成。他積極推動「國際科學合作服務」,四處奔走遊說,終於促使自然科學納入聯合國教科文組織(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation;UNESCO)的業務範圍。(Shortly afterwards, from 1942 to 1946, Joseph Needham FRS was appointed head of the British Scientific Mission in China, from where he started work on the monumental multi-volume ‘Science and Civilisation in China’, which occupied the remaining forty years of his life. He was active in promoting an ‘International Science Co-operation Service’, and his lobbying led to the incor-poration of natural sciences within the mandate of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).)(摘自New frontiers in
science diplomacy
