Green 18 is one of the many schemes or routes that was designed by the coaches. Football involves 11 people in the offense, so each scheme designs who should stand in what position or run to a location.
Set: This is for QB to tell all remaining 10 teammates to stand still, especially the front linemen to put their one hand on the ground for 1 second; otherwise it will be penalized for 5 yards due to “illegal motion.” This rule is to make sure the offense will not move before the defense is ready.
Hut: The QB us e “hut” to tell the Center to pass the ball from the ground to the QB. The team can decide at which “hut” the ball is passed. In this case, this QB signals that the Center should pass the ball to him at the 3rd “Hut.” The defense cannot pass the line until the ball is passed to the QB. So if the defense moves forward before the third “hut” they will be penalized by 5 yards. So QB can use the first two “huts” to entice/cheat the defense to make a foul motion and be penalized.