用Google上網搜尋,查不到有人把它譯成中文。倒是不少英文網頁,沒頭沒腦就蹦出這個詞。根據到目前所查,constituency of one應該是有它的典故,而這個典故,很可能和一部叫《白宮風雲》(The West Wing )的影集有關,可以參考這兩個網頁:Constituency of One、Constituency of One - Wikipedia。一時「猜」不出什麼意思。先把查到的、可以參考的網頁記下來:
- Answers.com有收這個辭條,可是談的仍然是The West Wing的情節。
- Change is a constituency of One
- A Constituency Of One?
- Clearwater Gazette and Beach Views
...But while you need to have rock-solid values, you also need to keep working on them, and on yourself. “Are you willing to take those journeys,” he asks, “to explore how you can become better, and do it every day? How much can you learn? Can you look in the mirror every day and say, ‘Geez, I wish I had done that differently, boy I think we have to, I have to do better here.’ A commitment to lead change to make the organization better it starts with having the courage to be a constituency of one.”
我的大學同學D Rau0(旅居美國)如此回答:
1. 1st Constituency of ONE (COE), I think, meant positively that COE=yourself. Change starts from yourself, free of influence by others 2. 2nd COE meant negatively. It implied Bloomberg behavored dictatorially.另一位大學同學Jerry Wei(在美國Notre Dame大學當教授),請教了他的同事Professor David B. Hartvigsen,他如此回答:
politician's constituency is the group of people he represents. They are the people who elect him, support him, and criticize him. So my interpretation, given the context, is that if you are a constituency of one, then you are taking responsibility for your decisions, promoting your decisions, but also being honest and self-critical when things don't go right. It also means being able to make decisions that disagree with the opinions of others. This would be in contrast to someone who spends a lot of time relying on the decisions of others and relying on their feedback to tell him how he's doing. So it's most like your interpretation (1), except I think it's more about being authoritative than being a dictator (more positive than negative).
Professor Jerry Wei請教Professor David B. Hartvigsen時,是這麼寫的:my own interpretation about this term is either (1) be a dictator or authoratative commander,Professor David B. Hartvigsen的個人介紹網頁在這裡。
or (2) be a leader who can unify all different opinions or constituents into one
綜合以上的解釋,constituency of one或許可以這麼翻譯:「雖千萬人吾往矣」;「好漢一人做事一人當」