2007年12月20日 星期四

stay the course 堅持到底;不中斷放棄;不半途而廢;持續到底;(賽跑的馬)跑到終點;在原來的跑道上奔向終點;擇善固執;以不變應萬變


* 反駁無用@ K.T.Revolution - 布希總統口頭禪"Stay the course"獲評為 ...
路透洛杉磯電---美國總統布希(布殊)政府在思索伊拉克新政策時的口頭禪「Stay the course」(堅持到底),在週四被全球語言監測機構(Global Language Monitor)評為2006年...

Aust to 'stay the course' in Afghanistan
ABC Online, Australia - Dec 14, 2007
"We are there for the long-term, we think this is an important campaign and we will of course stay the course," he said. He said Australia would make a ...

When things just go badly, four factors influence rebuilding - NFL
ESPN - 9 hours ago
However, coaches on either end of the experience spectrum might be forced to stay the course. A young coach must prove he can win, and an experienced, ...
