- 2006年,因為發現同溫層臭氧耗竭而榮獲諾貝爾化學獎的荷蘭科學家保羅‧克魯琛(Paul Crutzen)在《氣候變遷》(Climatic Change)期刊寫了一篇文章,宣稱減低溫室氣體排放量的努力「大體上不成功」。(In 2006, Paul Crutzen, the Dutch scientist who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his discoveries about the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, wrote an essay in the journal Climatic Change in which he declared that efforts to reduce greenhousegas emissions “have been grossly unsuccessful.”)(摘自Technology Review: The Geoengineering Gambit)