2011年12月31日 星期六

baby boomer,Generation X,Generation Y,Trophy Generation

The Baby Boomer generation is generally defined as all those people born between 1943 and 1960 who are (often cor-rectly) stereotyped as self-indulgent and workaholics. Genera-tion X, generally defined as those born between 1961 and 1981, are characterized as unmotivated slackers and hopeless cynics. These are followed by Generation Y, born from 1982 to the early 1990s, who are optimistic, socially responsible multitaskers. ...... There is no Generation Z, but instead there is the Trophy Generation—those born from 1990 to present. They were raised with the community mantra: No matter what, everyone gets a trophy. We are all the same. And all of us are winners and entitled to the spoils that automatically accrue to winners. (source: Eat People)嬰兒潮世代的定義通常是指一九四三年到一九六○年間出生的人,他們給人(往往是正確的)的刻版印象,是既任性,又是工作狂。X世代通常定義為一九六一年到一九八一年出生,他們的特徵是提不起勁的賴客(slacker)和無可救藥的玩世不恭份子。接著是Y世代,一九八二年到一九九○年代初出生,他們生性樂觀,富社會責任,喜歡一心多用。……Y世代之後並沒有Z世代,卻有獎盃世代(Trophy Generation)──從一九九○年到現在出生的人。他們是在社群的魔咒底下長大成人:不管怎樣,每個人都得到一座獎盃。我們大家都一樣。所有的人都是贏家,有資格得到贏家理該得到的縱容。
